Wave hello to Daniel Santos, our Vice President of Creative Services. Daniel brings a wealth of experience to the agency. Read on to learn about his favorite work and why he’s excited to be at Park & Battery.
Question 1: What brings you to Park & Battery?
After 25 years at my previous agency, it was just time for a change of scenery. So, having worked with most of the people at Park & Battery at other places, Park & Battery offered me the opportunity to work again with those same people that I loved working with, while also allowing me the flexibility of a fully remote agency environment, which in my opinion is the future of work.
Question 2: What’s your favorite piece of work you’ve ever made?
My background was always in print, going all the way back to my high school job working for a high-end stationary engraver in the early 90s. So, my favorite project that I worked on was going on a 36-hour press OK for a corporate brochure, with the client sleeping at the printing plant on recliners to make sure the job got done on time. To this day, the quality of that piece still stands up since it was printed beautifully on premium stock and with premium inks. Normally over time, paper gets yellow and the inks fade, but that piece still stands up quality-wise 20+ years later as if it was printed yesterday.
Question 3: What’s your favorite piece of work you didn’t make (but wish you did)?
A Video in Print project for a big weight loss company that allowed HR reps that received the dimensional mailer to watch a video and call a CSR directly to discuss their HR Health and Wellness options. Thankfully, we have NOW produced a similar piece here at Park & Battery for one of our clients that has similar capabilities, so in a way, I am producing that piece now. It speaks to the sales and account team’s capabilities at P&B to push this through finally after I have attempted to do a piece like this for over a decade.
Question 4: What do you like most about working at Park & Battery?
The flexibility of a remote office environment, the people that I work with, and finally, the fact that we are completely building this agency from the ground up, thereby bypassing a lot of the bureaucracies that block old established agencies from being flexible and mobile as change comes along. The teamwork here has been outstanding.
Question 5: What are you looking forward to?
I am most looking forward to building this thing properly and working for an agency that puts its people first. I am looking forward to seeing the agency grow and winning many creative and innovation awards along the way. We have an opportunity to become major players within the B2B space after having been in business for less than a year.
Question 6: If we could meet you at any intersection in the world, where are we going and what are we doing?
161st Street and River Avenue in the Bronx, watching the Yankees win a World Series 😊