Is your MQL taking up more of your mind space than your PPL? You know, the PeoPLe who care about your marketing experience and innovation and how it can help solve their pain points? You should care about them—not as marketing qualified leads, but as partners in relationships where your business is not to analyze them but to create and deliver value for them.
Park & Battery CEO Ted Kohnen will talk about the power and imperative of value creation in engagements with real live customers, not bits and bytes in your marketing funnel, at the B2B Ignite USA conference in Chicago, May 23-24. The event brings together B2B marketing industry leaders to discuss their latest work, challenges, and opportunities, and to hear from experts like Kohnen about the issues that matter to industry leaders right now.
How can marketers create value and deepen connection?
Big data has transformed much of how marketers operate, but there’s a lot to be said for fundamental relationship-building through value creation. For customers, the relationship with you is about the ways you understand and can address their business needs. For you, it should be about discovery—the customer, their desires, the solutions you can offer that they want to use, and the way your client connection evolves throughout the relationship.
Four types of value creation to focus on
This kind of value creation depends on four types of value that Ted will address:
- Functional value—the actual solution you offer
- Monetary value—how much the customer pays relative to what they think your solution is worth
- Social value—how does the relationship with you enable the customer to connect with others in their target audiences
- Psychological value—the way customers feel about their relationship with you, about whether they feel better having worked with you
Getting it right on value creation for customers comes from execution, not from a spreadsheet. Come hear Ted talk about the strength of creating value for customers and how it can accelerate your revenue and your relationships.